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Press Eject and Give Me the Tape: Dialogues, Interviews, and Exchanges 2001–2020 is a collaboration between the painter and writer Bradley Rubenstein and over 35 contemporary painters, sculptors, photographers, and performance and video artists. It is as important for current discussions on contemporary culture, theory, media, and politics as it is for discussion of contemporary art. Artists drawn into the action include Inka Essenhigh, Michael Rees, Gary Stephan, Angela Dufresne, Pedro Barbeito, Nicola Tyson, Liz Markus, Peter Williams, Brenda Goodman, Michael Zansky, John Paul, Millree Hughes, and more. Both a slice-of-life view of artists working today and a valuable historical resource for tomorrow.


The print book may be purchased at Spoonbill & Sugartown Books (Brooklyn, NY), Bookshop, Barnes & Noble, Amazon, and many other retailers. The ebook may be purchased at Apple ibooks and many other retailers.


The Black Album: Writings on Art and Culture is a collection of writing by painter and writer Bradley Rubenstein. There was once a time when art, technology, science, and poetry collided with politics. Zola and Cézanne. Fénéon and Seurat. Balzac and Rodin. Jean Arp and Hans Arp. Anarchy and beauty combined. In our current moment it seems that we might be well served to remember this past; when art and culture are driven underground, new ideas emerge. Taking Joan Didion’s collection of criticism, The White Album, as a point of reference, Rubenstein creates a new vocabulary for critiquing an age where art has wed technology, fiction has become reality, and images, like words, are not always meant to be trusted. Like Robert Smithson, Rubenstein eschews a personal writing style, instead using screenplays, poetry, science fiction, satire, and other genre styles to create a continuously changing narrative.


The print book may be purchased at Spoonbill & Sugartown Books (Brooklyn, NY), at Bookshop, Barnes & Noble, Amazon, and many other retailers. The ebook may be purchased at Apple ibooks, Amazon, and many other retailers.

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Buy Bradley Rubenstein's books at Spoonbill & Sugartown Books.


218 Bedford Avenue

Brooklyn, NY 11249
10 a.m. - 10 p.m. daily

For media inquiries,

please contact Meridian Art Press

Brooklyn, New York

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